I have been trying to decide which new programming language to learn, which one would be interesting, have a large and active community and be useful on my job. I had narrowed down the choices to: Ruby, Python or Erlang.
I chose Ruby. Why Ruby, you ask. I can use it professionally, at my current job.
At work we are hosted on AWS cloud using RightScale for automation. RightScale is using Chef for some of it server scripts, and the scripts are Ruby based. I have the opportunity to write Ruby scripts everyday, giving me the chance to use what I learn.
So my language toolbox consists of: PHP, Java, and now Ruby.
I’ve done Python, C#, Perl before, but it has never been an “everyday” language.
Off to get eclipse primed for Ruby development.
So is this working out as a IDE for Chef recipe development?
Hi Robert,
Yes, it is working out well. I have been using eclipse for a while so I did not have any learning curves using the tool, I just needed to know how to set it up for Ruby development.